Where to find us?
GPS Coordinates
North 43,977563
East 7,391316
on foot, on horseback, by car ? on bicycle, on bike or on rollerblade ?
Everything is possible to come until here.
Road access: about 1 hour from Nice or 45 mn from Menton.
From Nice airport : go up the valley of the Var by RN 202 until Plan du Var. On leaving the village, turn right valley Vésubie by D 2565 until Lantosque. 2 km after crossing Lantosque follow D 70, direction Bollène-Vésubie, then the Col de Turini.
Highway A8, output Digne - Grenoble then follow RN202 (see above for following)
From Menton towards Sospel, then Moulinet and the Col de Turini.
La Route Des Grandes Alpes : from the north, 10 kms after Saint Martin Vésubie, turn left to cross La Bollène Vésubie then after 12 km you have arrived at the Col du Turini.